Keyword density is one of many ways for search engines to determine how relevant a web page is to a specific keyword or key phrase. It is an indication of often the chosen keyword appears on the page. While it is important to use your keywords regularly, you want to be careful not to go overboard. Try to make the text flow like a normal conversation.
If your keywords show up every other word, then your site will most likely be marked as spam and rejected.
Keyword density is determined by calculating the percentage of keywords in relation to other words on a web page.
Write your article or web page on Microsoft Word or equivalent program, utilizing the desired keyword or key phrase as naturally as possible. Remember, you can often change tense or add punctuation marks into a key phrase
Go to the toolbar at the top of Microsoft Word. Click on "Tools." From the drop down menu, click "Word Count."
Now you can figure out the word count by just clicking on the tool now up. Note that number and write it down if you have to.
Going back to the Microsoft Word toolbar, clik on "Edit", then click on "Find." In the window that appears, type in your keyword or key phrase used. It will then tell you how many times the keyword or key phrase has been used in the article. Note this number. Write it down if you have to,
On a calcultor, type in the number of times the keyword is used, then hit the "/" button or equivalent division sign, then type in your word count. A strange looking number will appear.
Add or subtract text and recalculate the keyword density until it is just right.
No of keyowrd = 40
No of word count= 1000
Formula: No of keyword / No of word count in content = Answer*100= 0000000%
40 / 1000 = 0.04 * 100 = 4%
Your Keyword density should minimum 3% to 5%. According to this writer should calculate the density
Anyone know of a density calculator online that you can cut and paste the document text (instead of URL) into?
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